Thursday, November 8, 2012

Birthday Boy

Holy cow, Cole is FOUR!  Seriously, that is bananas.  Our sweetbean is a little dude.  It's is kind of a big deal, considering he used to be so small.


But silly things come in small packages
cole's first silliness

Such a buster
Silly Face

But still tough (ish)
Don't look now

And so dapper!
School Picture 2012 (age3)

Always up for adventure
Geared up

He's got a unique perspective
Eye exams are serious business

And some seriously sketchy ideas
Doodle series 5

He's a guy on the go
Racing the sun

Our little champ
Lil' champ

We think he's super

He's a swell big brother.  They might drive each other crazy

But they have fun in the sun
Cabot woods

Rays of light

We'd like a couple of cupcakes, please

What would you like?

To celebrate a very special occasion - Happy birthday Cole!  Our little nutcake.  You make us smile every day.  With your silly jokes, crazy moves, and joie de vivre.  We love, love, love, you!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Zoom Zoom

Has this summer been zooming by or what? For real, beep beep June, July and August, we were on the go!


 What have we been up to? Hot stuff! So we do what we gotta do to keep cool

  Cool it

 Y'know, we're game for anything.  Practicing our touchdown dance, the SuperCole shuffle

Lil' champ

 Hitting the pool for a little cross training, aqua fitness is serious business

  Belly flopper

 And y'know, slamming the dunks like LeBron James


Also, a little shoe shopping, True got her very first pair, fabulous

Baby needs a new pair of shoes

Very important for learning how to walk (!!)

You can do it, two

These feet are a little wobbly, but we're working on it


Sometimes we slow our roll and do some doodling on Cole's new blackboard wall


We may have gotten carried away

Permanent oops

A little lounging makes us happy too



And of course, some snackin', a girl's gotta eat


Daddy went to London, but we're so happy he's home

 Side eye smoochies

So, y'know,  just hangin', happy, hugging it out.  The usual.

Cabot woods

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

A few months ago, I sent my mom this picture with a note saying "Nothing makes me happier than my kids being happy together." DSC_0764
She replied, "that never changes." I'm gonna take her word for it, because she really seems to know what she's doing. So, in honor of Mother's day, here's a few of my favorite pictures that capture the occasional, fleeting and honeybean sweet moments when Cole and True hang like a posse

Short stack Sibs


Ham & cheese
Ham & Cheese


It makes me one happy mother.
Good times

Friday, April 6, 2012

Cupcake Demolition Video

Here's some footage of True enjoying her first Birthday Cupcake.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Oooooh happy birthday to Truuuue! We can't believe it has been a whole year since our bouncing baby girl joined the family.

At first she was all (small voice) hi y'all! Hello 

And then she was born, hello!

Which was well documented

She started out so teeny

But then she grew

She has a big personality too

And her own fabulous style
Ab fab
Single (digits) and fabulous!
Shoe shopping

It is tutu much
Hello dolly

So she took some naps

Then lounged a bit

Sometimes you have to stop and smell the flowers

Am I right?

Time sure flies when you're having fun, and we've had lots of laughs together
Good times
Giggle fit

And crazy adventures

We really, really, really, really love you, True.
My funny valentine

Your smiles, and silly giggle, your high fives and cozy snuggles, your spirit and spunk. We've had so much fun in year number one.

Now, let's party!

As great grandma rose says, Keep Dancing!